My Credentials and Reason for doing this

I have been a software engineer for 25 years working in the field of satellite and inertial navigation, and I’m a decent bowler–so none.

I could say the Holy Spirit is speaking through me, which I believe, but any kook can say that.  I am very well read in the Bible, which is good naturally, but there are many out there with more knowledge of the Bible. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been studying Jewish history and culture of the Old Testament and first century for three or so years now, but that is not a lot really; and it’s not like I’ve immersed myself in it for three years; I’ve just studied it a couple of hours a week.

It doesn’t seem like a good strategy to be so upfront with how much I lack in formal education and experience, but I need to be honest.  More than that, is this even necessary?  There are a myriad of Christian denominations out there, each with many pastors and teachers, and there are an innumerable number of Christian books and websites.

So why another?  Frankly, it is my belief that there are very few of any of these resources that will actually guide someone to a true and full understanding of the Gospel.  A true and full Gospel will identify itself in the lives of those individuals who believe it with the following characteristics:

  1. They know they are loved and accepted unconditionally by God.
  2. Their primary focus before becoming a Christian will be the restoration of God’s Holy Spirit in them.
  3. They know their performance and adherence to any laws, nor promises of rewards or blessings will affect their relationship with God.
  4. They will continue to grow in their faith and closeness to God (A very high percentage of people, if they were truly open, would admit to feeling further from God over time).
  5. Their understanding of the Gospel will be such that they can explain it easily and succinctly.

Does this sound like the Gospel you know?  If so, great!  If not, I’m sure you will have taken exception to one or more things from the list above.  Stay tuned as I explain these things in posts to come.